2021 Reading List
This year I discovered I could get Kindle ebooks through my local public library! I also joined a book club, which has been useful in diversifying the range of books I read. I’m also starting to learn how to abandon books part-way that I no longer enjoy reading - rather than finishing them just because I started (I’m no longer convinced this is a good thing).
- A Promised Land (Obama)
- Animal Farm (Orwell)
- The Alchemist (Coelho)
- The Art of Gathering (Parker)
- Madness & Civilization (Foucault)
- Surrender! (Hughley)
- Sea Wall/A Life (Stephens/Payne)
- Rest (Pang)
- The Fate of Food (Little)
- Tribes (Godin)
- The Five Love Languages (Chapman)
- Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl)
- The Science of Love (Goodfriend)
- Metamorphosis (Kafka)
- The Trial (Kafka)
- Grit (Duckworth)
- Me and White Supremacy (Saad)
- Confidence Game (Konnikova)
- Deep Work (Newport)
- Humankind (Bregman)
- The Prince (Machiavelli)
- 4-Hour Work Week (Ferris)
- The Secret (Byrne)
- Nice Racism (DiAngelo)
- Catch and Kill (Farrow)
- The Three Mothers (Tubbs)
- Move Fast (Meyerson)
- Never Split The Difference (Voss)
- Bomber Mafia (Gladwell)
- Attached (Levine)
- Beyond Order (Peterson)
- The Deficit Myth (Kelton)
- Sleights of Mind (Macknik et al)