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Obligatory Monad Post

March 13, 2017. 1 minute read

I'm taking a break from blogging for a while, but before I go, here is a (now cliché) blog post on monads.

2016 Reading List

December 28, 2016. less than 1 minute read

As the year draws to end, I’ve been reflecting on the all the new things I’ve learnt. Below is a list of some of the good books I’ve read over the last year ...

Improving Listify

October 16, 2016. 2 minute read

Listify’s latency, while tolerable, could do with some improvement (performance was a secondary concern while building it; I felt that the application functi...

MuniHac Hackathon

September 05, 2016. less than 1 minute read

I’ve just returned from MuniHac, a three-day Haskell hackathon in Munich, Germany. It was hosted by the good people at TNG and Well-Typed.